Usch Spettigue 

Usch Spettigue - Three large ginger jars
Rectory Cottage 
IP9 1DE 
Usch's work is thrown porcelain. She makes one-off, but basically functional pots of all sizes, using her own glazes. Some of her very large jugs and bowls are spray-glazed, one advantage being that multiple glazes can then be applied for unusual colours and textures. She also uses sgraffito, and sometimes carves into leather-hard clay to achieve a deeply grooved surface. She is a selected member of the East Anglian Potters Association. 
Usch Spettigue - Wide bowl with sgraffito
Usch Spettigue - Large jug, green glaze
Usch Spettigue - Three white ginger jar
Usch Spettigue - Vase with painted decoration