Simon Turner
Simon combines wooden panels and acrylic paint to produce sea and landscapes inspired by the Suffolk Coast. More recently he has called on his woodworking background to produce small sculptures using locally sourced timbers and employing finishing techniques such as ebonising.
Work is produced in situ using scalpels and other dangerous sharp instruments. Simon’s work is exhibited in various locations on the Suffolk coast and in London, Cambridge and Yorkshire . His studio is a wonky barn in the lovely village of Yoxford, his kitchen table in Hackney and, weather permitting, the beach.
New work has included 2D and 3D pieces utilising local timbers and techniques such as ebonising and stringing. Simon’s work ranges in scale to smaller pieces such as bookshelf art, seagull panels and marsh grass pictures through to larger sculptures designed for the outdoors and all produced using locally sourced timbers.
He takes inspiration from Suffolk’s coasts, forests and reedbeds and also the more urban environment of Hackney. Simon often works to commission.